
Help Center Working with Sheet Templates About Sheetsync sheet templates

About Sheetsync sheet templates

Learn to use Sheetsync's powerful and customizable personal finance templates for Google Sheets.

Written by Scott
Published on August 28, 2020

Sheetsync provides free spreadsheet templates to power your financial spreadsheets. Some of the templates are important to receive your synced finances, and other templates are completely optional depending on what you want out of your spreadsheet.

You can see an example of each of these sheets on the Sheetsync Template Examples spreadsheet.

Important templates

  • Accounts

    The Accounts template contains a list of all your financial accounts. When you link a new account with Sheetsync, this is where it goes. Sheetsync will automatically keep it up-to-date, however feel free to add accounts you want to log manually, like cash, etc.

  • Balance History

    The Balance History template keeps a record of all your account balances over time. Sheetsync will automatically update this sheet every day with your latest account balances, but you can also manually log balances here too.

  • Transactions

    The Transactions template has a list of all your financial transactions, including spending, income, and transfers between accounts. Sheetsync will automatically update this sheet for you multiple times per day with your latest transactions, but you can also manually log transactions here too. You also categorize transactions on this sheet.

  • Categories

    The Categories template is where you set your budget categories AND budget amounts. Although Sheetsync does not sync with this sheet, it is important for budgeting and categorizing of transactions.

Optional templates

  • Budget

    Requires Transactions and Categories sheets

    The Budgets template is a view-only sheet that displays your categorized income and spending for each month. This sheet allows you to compare your actual income and spending to your budgeted income and spending for each category and category group you set.

  • Balances

    Requires Accounts and Balance History sheets

    The Balances template is a view-only sheet that displays your current account balances organized into groups as assets and liabilities.

  • More interesting templates coming soon!